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My Top 4 FAVORITE Christian Podcasts

My interest in podcasts comes in phases, but currently, I am 100% a podcast girly. I have found some of the best podcasts that keep me engaged, that encourages me, that challenges me, and that I look forward to listening to. These podcasters are passionate, Christ followers, and they push me closer to the Lord every time I listen. They challenge me to think deeply about what I believe and teach me in ways that I never expected.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again - as much as I'd love for Run the Race to grow and be successful, my biggest heart's desire is that the Lord's name is proclaimed, and that's what these girls are doing. I don't always agree with them, but each and every one of them are walking closely with the Lord and convict me in my relationship with Jesus, and I love them for it. And I know that you'll love them too. :)

1. Talks with Tori

This is my absolute FAVORITE podcast! I look forward to the new podcast episode every Tuesday, and it truly encourages me so much. Every week, she sits down with a different Christian girl (sometimes an influencer, sometimes someone closer to her life personally), and they literally just have a girl chat every single week. Some weeks are solely focused on motherhood content, considering that is the season she's walking in right now, but I always find so much encouragement in her words and conversations, even if that's not the season I'm currently in.

2. Happy and Healthy with Jeanine Amapola

I absolutely love this podcast because it feels so relatable! I come running to this podcast especially when I'm looking for biblical relationship advice, but she also touches on other topics, such as living a godly life, gossiping, singleness, comparison, and more! I genuinely feel like I'm listening to a big sister or mentor when I listen to this podcast. Everything she talks about is rooted in Scripture and explains living the way God calls us to seem so much more understandable. She often features her fiance (soon to be husband!), and that is such an entertaining, godly match!

3. As for Me and My House

This is one of the newer podcasts that I've been getting into, but I absolutely love it. The hosts of this podcast, Jordan and Milena Ciciotti, are an incredibly mature, godly couple, and they really challenge me to think so deeply about my beliefs. I'm especially loving learning about biblical womanhood, including what it means to be a godly wife and mother. Even though that's not the season I'm in, it pushes me to truly understand who God has called me to be, the qualities He desires for me to possess, and how I can walk in His plan for my life. This podcast breaks down so many worldly concepts and beliefs and holds it up to Scripture. I might not agree with everything that they say, but I so appreciate their wisdom and careful thoughtfulness whenever it comes to living in obedience and holiness to the Lord.

4. Mornings with the Masters

This podcast features Tori, from the first podcast that I mentioned, and her husband. These episodes are around 10 minutes long, which is the perfect length for just a little bit of encouragement in the middle of the day. They read devotionals straight from the Bible app and then elaborate on them in such an understandable, personal way. I actually tend to listen to this podcast right when I come home from school because it so simply refocuses me on the Lord and encourages me so much. I genuinely feel like there's no "genre" to this podcast, nor is it specifically for someone in a really niche season, but it's applicable to everyone.


I'm loving listening to these podcasts and learning from all of their wisdom! They truly encourage me and challenge me so much in my faith, and such an easy way to refocus on the Lord throughout my day. Each and every one of these women are such a beautiful example of godly women running after the Lord, and I admire them so much. It is my prayer that you too would be inspired by their words and wisdom and grow in your faith just like I have.

Do you have any Christian podcasts that you're currently listening to? I'd love to hear any podcast recommendations down below!


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