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Tomorrow, June 28th, 2023, marks the one year anniversary of Run the Race, and y'all, I could not be more grateful or excited. Starting this blog in the first place was such a dream come true, and the way God has worked in my heart and in the lives around me is so beautiful.

Ever since I was little, maybe around 9 or 10 years old, as I laid in bed I would imagine creating a space to pour out all the words I had swirling inside my head. I've always had a passion for writing and the Lord and encouraging others, but I didn't think it would ever come into fruition. When I finally published my first posts, I genuinely could not stop squealing; even now, it feels so surreal to say that this is my blog. But here we are, one year in - I am living younger me's dream, and we are watching God work.

For everyone who has reached out and told me how much the blog has meant to them - thank you. You guys help keep me going, because sometimes it can be hard to keep writing without knowing if my words are making a difference. You are one of the reasons why I started Run the Race in the first place, to encourage you and share what the Lord has done in my life. So thank you to everyone who has read the blog, shared it, and reached out with kind words - it means the world to me.

But the point of this post is not to brag about myself or how far the blog has come, but it's to glorify God.

These words that I write, they aren't mine. Every word is inspired by God, and the things He has placed on my heart. I can't explain to you how many posts have been written simply by me opening my computer and typing away, only to go back and reread it realizing how much I needed to hear that, because it was the Holy Spirit who led the words through my fingertips. God has changed me and challenged me in so many ways since starting this blog, and I can't take credit for what has been written, because I truly believe that it's His words, not mine.

God's grace is so big and so wide, you guys. His love is more beautiful than anything we could find on this earth. And the impossible is not impossible with God.

He uses what we see as worthless or ordinary or impossibly difficult to transform our faith and relationship with Him. He is working behind the scenes, in so many ways, and He is doing such big things in our life. If you feel like your prayers aren't being heard, or you're waiting and waiting for Him to make something happen, keep trusting. Even when we don't understand His plan, or can't comprehend why our situation would be for our good, our God is still good, and He is alive and active.

And how do I know this? Because this blog is an answered prayer, one I didn't ever think would happen. The opportunity arose out of nowhere, and at first, it seemed impossible, but by His grace, the Lord made it happen. He used the blog as an outlet and many little lessons to work in my heart slowly but surely, and I could not be more grateful.


To celebrate the one year blogiversary, I wanted to highlight a few of the biggest milestones Run the Race hit!

Again, thank you to everyone who has supported and shared the blog, and encouraged me in the process! You guys truly do mean the world to me and I am so incredibly grateful for this blog. I cannot wait to see what God continues to do in the year(s) to come!

What was your favorite post? What kind of content are you looking for in the next year? Let me know in the comments down below!



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