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This year has been a year of growth, healing, and learning. The lessons I've learned this year are honestly heart transforming, life changing lessons, and I am oh so grateful for the ways that God has been working in my life. And with the new year right around the corner, I'm reflecting more and more on this past year and the highs and lows, the struggles and the successes.

Here's my 2022 in review, my favorite memories, and the lessons I've learned!


January - new year, new me, right? January sure was the beginning of a new me, and in the best ways. As 2022 began, I chose the word "abide" to set the tone of the year, and even now in December, abiding really has been something that I've been working on.

Favorite memory: On New Year's Eve, my family settles in the basement to eat snacks and binge watch as many seasons of Heartland as we can. Then, on New Year's Day, my mom and I go to the prayer journey at our church, where we both get to pray over the growth that's happened and that growth that's to come, where we get to lay down the new year at the feet of Jesus.

Biggest lesson: Learning to release my whole life, every part of it, to Jesus. In my journals I often wrote "a releasing prayer", laying down all the big and little things at the feet of Jesus. I wrote about my relationships, my emotions, school, etc, and it all came down to one thing: the importance of surrendering to the Lord and how that makes the biggest, biggest difference in your life.


In February, like many people, I reflected on what love really is and began learning about how I can love my people better. I started to be more intentional about praising God, especially as I prayed, and worked on being more grateful for what He's done than stay focused on what He hasn't done yet.

Favorite memory: Every day of February, leading up to Valentine's Day, my mom put a heart on our doors, and each one had something she loved about us written on it. To this day, I still have the hearts on my door, and they still encourage me every time I look at them.

Biggest lesson: Worship changes everything. You can still come to God in your failures, sins, and mistakes - don't stop seeking Him.


As March comes and goes, track season comes in full swing. The shin pain is still there, but so is my incredible team and support system.

Favorite memory: Despite how painful they usually are, I love track workouts (mostly). The laughter my team and I share as we run, often sprinting through the 200 or resting between sets, is my absolute favorite. We rant and let go of all the feels from the day, but most importantly, we have a great time together, and that's where the memories are made.

Biggest lesson: Slow down. In the stress and anxiety, slow down. Also, the jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness? It holds you back, sweet friend.


Here in April, track season continues. I'm surrounded by amazing people, and we make incredible memories together that I will cherish forever. In April, I started doing real, deep heart work and began releasing the unforgiveness I was holding onto.

Favorite memory: This track season, I got to be the unofficial varsity manager, aka Chapman's assistant. I was able to miss two days of school to watch Piper and the other varsity runners race, and I got to cheer them on. I didn't have to go, but they let me, and it was the best time.

Biggest lesson: In the highs and lows, God is constant, and He is always, always in every up and down.


Track season and my freshman year of high school wrapped up in May, which was very bittersweet. I anticipated summer ready to rest and recover from the school year, and spent some meaningful time with my people.

Favorite memory: Despite all the shin pain and not-so-amazing times, Coach Chapman was always my #1 fan during track. Even though she couldn't make it to every meet, she texted me often for updates, and she somehow always knew when I was having a mental breakdown. And every time, no matter how bad I thought I did, she was so proud of me and always had the right words to say.

Biggest lesson: Some of the biggest, most important lessons are the ones you learn in the midst of pain and hurt.


June was a month of sunshine and family time, my favorite thing. I got contacts, which was a huge adjustment but so worth it (now I can run without my glasses sliding down my face!). Most importantly of the month, though, I published Run the Race after years of dreaming and months of preparing.

Favorite memory: The night I published Run the Race, I was shaking with joy and peace. I received so much support and encouragement, and that night during my Bible study, I couldn't stop smiling and praising the Lord for His work.

Biggest lesson: Living for the Lord requires intentionality and purposeful action,


July, July, July - one of the best months of the year. We celebrated 4th of July with family, but the highlight of the month was the cruise. This trip was more than beaches and good food (although that was all amazing); it was the trip where I realized the importance of disconnecting from my phone and being intentionally present in each moment.

Favorite memory: All the little moments on the cruise - getting ice cream at breakfast and at 10:30 at night, journaling on the balcony, pausing to pray on the beach.

Biggest lesson: You never know what your missing out on unless you put down the phone and prioritize intentional time with your people. You may not be missing out on a bunch of big memories, but you are missing out on a ton of little memories, and those memories are what you'll really hold for the rest of your life.


This month I celebrated my 15th birthday, filled with family and laughter. I began my sophomore year of high school (crazy, right?) and started a new cross country season (which was full of highs and lows in itself).

Favorite memory: One Saturday, my cross country team and I had an early morning run, and ended up running through torrential rain and thundering clouds. We were soaked to the bone, and Piper ended up running on the dirt road barefoot, but we laughed and sprinted through the hills. That was probably the most memorable run of my entire life.

Biggest lesson: Cherish each and every moment with the people God has blessed you with. Take the pictures, embarrass yourself, cheer on your people. Live each and every moment to the fullest.


September, the month filled with races and running and all things cross country. I ran varsity this year, and bonded with my team in a new way as we fought through injuries, stress, and other hard things. This season was full of pain and tears, but also celebration and releasing. I learned how to enjoy the races, enjoy my people, and celebrate every moment. I danced the night away at homecoming and made so many memories with some of my favorite people.

Favorite memory: At the end of one of my races, I was so defeated and disappointed in my time, but nearly every single girl on my team came over to hug me and say words of encouragement. As the season progressed, our team dwindled in size, but our strength as a whole only increased, and I have never felt more supported by a group of girls before.

Biggest lesson: You get to choose your attitude and your mindset. Is it going to be a good one, or a bad one?


This month, I brought home baby Lyla (don't worry, she was a robot), and God really tested my patience through this fake baby. We wrapped up the cross country season stronger than before, mentally and physically. October was a month of heartbreak, but of a lot of surrender and healing. As I became single, my relationship with God transformed in the most beautiful way as I learned to rely on Him in each and every moment.

Favorite memory: As I stumbled across the finish line at league, I was passed from a few people's arms to keep me from falling, but eventually I landed with my mom. Even as I was gasping for air, I prayed with her, over my time and my teammates, knowing that was my last race of the season. From there, I had so much peace, so much joy cheering on my teammates, and I was able to celebrate with them even if that race didn't go as I had hoped.

Biggest lesson: God is doing big, big things, right this very moment, even if you can't see it yet.


November was a beautiful month of healing and recovery, of drawing near to the Lord in the best way. As I dug deeper into the hurts I had experienced, I learned to let go of all of that, and ultimately, it led me to the most joyful, peaceful freedom I've ever experienced. As there was school stress and physical exhaustion, my heart became healthier than ever, and that is only because God is doing good, good things in me.

Favorite memory: Every single day in AP Bio, no matter how hard it was, we laughed and cried and shared mental breakdowns. They've seen me at some of my best times and some of my worst times, but they love me anyways. One day, post breakup, in the midst of healing, one of my friends said, "you seem happier", and that was the day I realized that the work God was doing in my life was obvious.

Biggest lesson: God is using you, your story, and your pain for a greater purpose. You may not see it all right now, but hold on to the promise that God is good, and He is with you in the struggle. God is oh-so good.


December, here I am, end of 2022 me. My schedule was filled to the brim with my favorite people and memories in the making. I stressed about finals, laughed till my face hurt, and continued to heal from the inside out.

Favorite memory: Piper can drive now, which means she's practically my chauffeur. The best part isn't the free rides, but the laughter that we share in her truck together. I'm talking the whole body, face hurting kind of laughter. The kind that has you rolling over. The kind that leaves you smiling, even after the joke is done. That laughter and car rides with Piper are my favorite.

Biggest lesson: Don't stop being thankful for the little moments, the little steps forward, because those so-called "little things" may just be making up the big things in life.


Guys. I have changed so much this past year, and I am so so so thankful for all the growth and memories God has blessed me with this year. I'm so excited for what 2023 has in store, and what God is going to continue to do in all of our lives!

What is your favorite memory from 2022? Let me know in the comments down below!



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